Local Event:
Christmas Tree Lighting
Farmville VA 2023

Photo from visitfarmville.com
Location: Downtown Farmville Plaza
Time: 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM (Tree lighting at 6)
It's that time of year to begin decorating (if you haven't already) for Christmas. This year the town of Farmville, VA will be kicking off the season with their annual tree lighting ceremony on Sunday Nov 19th at 6pm. This event is FREE, extremely family friendly, offers live music and more. Brought to the community by the Farmville Downtown Partnership and the Farmville Area Chamber of Commerce. For more details visit: https://visitfarmville.com/event/holiday-tree-lighting/.
Looking to have a new place for Christmas?
Let State Wide Realty Co help you
find just the right one to put your tree in by
calling 434-392-6163 or visit
www.VaStateWideRealty.com today!