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Dream Home vs. Dream Location

Dream Home or Dream Location, What Matters More?


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An age old real estate question, which matters more the house or the location? Well the reality is that there may have to be compromises on both to stay in budget.

Compromising on the House: There is no doubt you have a must have list for your new home such as number of bedrooms, square feet, etc. then when you hit the market for that home you realize your budget does not allow for everything and a compromise has to be made. Do you stay in the area you like and get a home that does not “fit” your needs but you can afford? Is a renovation possible down the road to make it more like the home of your dreams? These are the questions buyers ask themselves constantly.

Compromising on the Location: In every location there are areas that are more sought after than others.  If the home you like is in an area that is known as troublesome or too far from jobs, schools and shopping, you may have problems on the resale. The one thing you cannot change about the home once you have bought it is the location.

So What Matters Most?

Overall, the location of the home matters more than the house does. As stated before you can fix a house to your liking but you cannot change the area the house is in.

Don't compromise on an Agent: Call State Wide Realty to help you find your home or land at 434-392-6163 or visit our website at www.VaStateWideRealty.com


311 East Third St
Farmville, VA 23901


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