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<< Back | Currently Viewing -  MLS Number: 55401 A (Active)
Listing Photo 55401
Contact Information

State Wide Realty Co.
311 E. Third St.
Farmville VA 23901
(434)392-6163 Office
(434)392-3546 Fax
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Listing Details
List Price: $29,900
Type Property: Residential Lot, Rural
Street Name: Oliver Road
City/County: Prince Edward
Town: Prospect
# Acres: 2.69
# Acres Open +/-: 2.69
# Acres Wooded +/-: 0
Access: Paved Public Road
Topography/Features: Gently Rolling
Drive: No Drive
Surface Water: No Surface Water
Present Use:  
MLS Number: 55401
Remarks: Nice building lot with new survey, open area for a homesite, and a convenient location. Come grab this up while you can. Owner agent.
Directions: From Farmville: take Back Hampden-Sydney Rd to a right on Hardtimes Rd. Make a left onto Oliver Road (649) and follow to property on the left.