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Currently Displaying - Commercial Listings for (Office Listings)
Viewing 10 - 14 of 14 Listing Result(s) (Your search took 0.02 seconds)
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Choose Format: Residential / Land / Commercial / Farm / All Property Types
Listing Photo 52469
List Price: $349,900
Apx Total SqFt: 2172
Type: Professional/Office, Medical
City/County: Prince Edward
Town: Farmville
Listing Photo 56744
List Price: $289,000
Apx Total SqFt: 1053
Type: Retail, Professional/Office
City/County: Prince Edward
Town: Farmville
Listing Photo 52960
List Price: $195,000
Apx Total SqFt: 2156
Type: Professional/Office, Medical
City/County: Prince Edward
Town: Farmville
Listing Photo 45446
List Price: $129,000
Apx Total SqFt: 0
Type: Vacant Land
City/County: Charlotte
Town: Charlotte Court House
Listing Photo 55408
List Price: $99,900
Apx Total SqFt: 0
Type: Vacant Land
City/County: Prince Edward
Town: Farmville
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