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Home Buying Tip: What to Consider For Each Season

State Wide Realty Farmville VA
Home Buying Tips:

What to Consider For Each Season

In whatever season you decide to buy a home there are factors to consider when making your choice.

What to consider about a home for the Winter Season: 
How is the home heated/cooled? Depending on the heat source and the size of the home your heating bill could run high.

Is your area likely to get a lot of snow? How accessible is the home from main roads for traveling and getting in and out. If your home is on a back road, up a big hill you will have to think about shoveling your driveway and how long it might take for your road to be cleared.

Things to consider for Spring

April showers bring beautiful May flowers but that rain has to have somewhere to go. Does the home you are buying have good drainage systems such as gutters and ditches. You want to make sure that water doesn’t pool up against your home or erode the ground around your foundation.

Also look at the size of the yard and decide if you are able/willing to maintain it. A large yard might sound nice but having to cut the grass, weed eat and landscape a large yard might not be something you want to deal with.

Summer Stuff

What direction does the house face? Does it get a lot of sun? These things can affect your cooling bill so it is important to consider when buying.

Will you have to water the yard? This could be an added expense if a system isn’t already in place and it is a dry summer.

Fall Thoughts

The tree-lined drive is on the must have list but what about when the leaves fall off of them or they get damaged in a storm? Are you able to keep up with raking leaves or tree removal? These are certainly things to consider before you buy.

Your home should suit you in every season. Make sure you consider what your home will be like all year long and not just in this moment. It will save you a lot of heartache and time in the seasons to come.

Need help finding a home to suit you all year long? Call State Wide Realty Co at 434-392-6163 and have one of our 15 local real estate experts help you with their combined 375+ years of experience.

311 East Third St
Farmville, VA 23901

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